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    Logging in to the Parent View of Blackboard Learn


    Blackboard Learn is compatible with most web browsers including Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari.


    No Parent Access with Blackboard App

      The "Blackboard app", available in the Apple App Store and the Google Play store, is designed for student use only.  If you log into the app using your parent credentials you will not be able to view your child's course.


     To login to Blackboard Learn: 

    To access Blackboard, visit the TigerID Portal and login with your Parent TigerID email account. 

    TigerID login

    Once logged in to TigerID, select the Blackboard tile:

    Blackboard Parent

    Alternatively, you may access Blackboard by navigating to https://northallegheny.blackboard.com 

    At the login screen, you must click the dropdown at the bottom and choose Login with TigerID:

    Login with TigerID

    If you have difficulty with your Parent TigerID account, please contact the ServiceDesk for support.

    📧 servicedesk@northallegheny.org | 🌐 https://servicedesk.northallegheny.org | ☎️ 412-369-5849