Virtual Learning Troubleshooting Tips
1.) Be sure that you are completely signed into the following:
- Tiger ID
- Google Drive
- YouTube (Using your NA e-mail address, for example: tigerid@nastudents.org and then your TIGER ID)
2.) Re-install any apps that may be involved in your activities.
- Seesaw
- Google Drive
- Googe Docs
3.) Restart your devices.
4.) Update your iPad software through the Settings App.
5.) Do not press PLAY on the Google Slideshow. Just click through the slides yourself and click PLAY on the individual lesson videos.
6.) Make sure that YouTube isn't blocked on your device. If you know that YouTube is working because you've used it in other classes, you could click the word YouTube on the videos. That will take you to the YouTube site instead of playing it from the slideshow if you think that is your issue.
7.) Try on different devices to pinpoint the issue.
8.) Contact me at srodack@northallegheny.org for tech support and phone numbers.