• How to Practice.......


    Step One:  Choose to take your instrument and folder home from school.  Make sure you get all of your materials:

    ü     INSTRUMENT

    ü     FOLDER/BOOK


    Step Two:  Choose to set up your work zone.  This choice involves opening the case, rosining the bow, preparing the weekly assigned music on a music stand, finding a chair, and putting a pencil on the music stand.  Before practice ever occurs, you must first set up your work zone! 

    ü     MUSIC STAND

    ü     CHAIR

    ü     INSTRUMENT

    ü     ROSIN & BOW

    ü     MUSIC

    ü     PENCIL



    Step Three:  Practice.   Search for problem spots.  Slow it down.  Once you isolate the problem and slow down your practice, you will easily fix the problem without frustration.  The last and most important part of practice is to repeat the corrected problem area many times.....slowly.  You must make

    ü     MANY repetitions of the

    ü     CORRECT notes

    ü     SLOWLY for it to sink in. 




Last Modified on May 5, 2010