
Each partner can do a letter for extra-credit. All other assignments will consist of a group grade.












The group will create an anti-smoking rap song.


Some of the lyrics rhyme.  The rap song has limited information on smoking.  The song is less than 14 lines.

The lyrics rhyme inconsistently, but the rap song has limited information on smoking.  The song is at least 14 lines in length.

The lyrics rhyme consistently and are thought provoking.  The song contains good information on smoking.  The song is at least 14 lines in length.

The lyrics rhyme consistently, are thought provoking and contain great information on smoking.  The song is at least 14 lines in length.



The group will create a “tobacco free…IMS Family” flyer.



The information on the flyer is hard to see and doesn’t have enough graphics or smoking information to convey its purpose.  The flyer does not mention “KICK BUTTS DAY!” OR “tobacco free IMS Family”

The flyer has little information to convey its purpose.  The graphics are too small, but it does mention “KICK BUTTS DAY!” AND “tobacco free…IMS FAMILY”

The flyer is neat and easy to read.  It has graphics which convey its purpose.  It has good information on smoking, “KICK BUTTS DAY” and “tobacco free…IMS Family”

The flyer is colorful and grabs your attention.  It does an excellent job at conveying its purpose.  It has great information on smoking, “KICK BUTTS DAY and “tobacco free…IMS Family”



The group will write a “KICK BUTTS DAY” announcement.



The announcement is not clear and does not grab the attention of the audience.

The announcement is clear, but it does not grab the attention of the audience.

The announcement is clear and well written.  It has good information about the event and it grabs the attention of the audience.

The announcement is clear, concise, well written and original.  It has great information about the event and it captures the audiences attention.


 Extra Credit…

The student will write a letter to an individual or a Tobacco Company.


The letter is not clear in its purpose.  There are several misspelled words and punctuation errors.  The letter does not get the attention of the reader.

The letter has a few misspelled words and a few punctuation errors.  The letter does not get the attention of the reader.

The letter is well written with good punctuation and spelling.  The letter captures the attention of the reader.  The letter gives relevant statistics and information on Tobacco.

The letter is well written with excellent punctuation and spelling.  The letter makes the reader think and it gives outstanding information on Tobacco.



The group will create a Tobacco free commitment card.

The commitment card does not contain any graphics and is missing the catch phrase/signature line.  The purpose of the card may or may not be included.

The commitment card is missing either the signature line or the catch phrase.  The purpose of the card may or may not be included.

The commitment card contains its stated purpose, a graphic, a catch phrase and a signature line.

The commitment card contains its purpose, a graphic, a catch phrase and a signature line.  It was well thought out and organized.


The group will create a commercial that sends a “tobacco free” message.

The commercials message is unclear and each member did not contribute to the final project.

The commercial’s message is unclear, but each member has contributed.

The commercial’s message is somewhat clear.  Each member has contributed to the final project.

The commercial’s message is clear that tobacco is a No-No. It is creative and each member has contributed to the final project.



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