• Welcome to the Carson Middle School Library!

    Book Welcome

    Librarian: Ms. Patricia McNeill
    Email: pmcneill@northallegheny.org
    Library Secretary: Mrs. Tammy May
    Email: tmay@northallegheny.org
    Phone: 412-369-5520

    The CMS Library provides students and staff access to over 16,000 items. A variety of subscription databases such as ABC-CLIO, Culture Grams, Infobase, NoodleTools Online Citations, and World Book Encyclopedia are available on school devices and at home. These resources may be accessed from home with usernames and passwords, which can be found on the library Blackboard page. You can also search the library catalog, Destiny, from any device and access eBooks and eAudiobooks using the SORA app. Both are avilable via TigerID. 

    The librarians support the integration of information literacy and technology skills across the curriculum by collaborating with teachers in all subject areas. In collaboration with subject area educators, integrated units of study are developed and delivered that support and extend the subject area curriculum. Another key focus is the development of student literacy, connecting students to quality literature through book talks, discussion groups, genre lessons, and various reading incentive programs. Making each student a competent user of information and a lifelong reader is our goal. To that end, each middle school has a full-time librarian and a full-time library secretary.