
    Study Skills


    • Establish a quiet, comfortable, well-lighted study area at home. Keep this area clean and organized.
    • Plan to devote 10 minutes per grade level each evening, Monday through Thursday and one night on the weekend, to study or complete homework. For example, a 7th grader would need approximately 70 minutes (10 minutes X 7 = 70 minutes) set aside for homework/studying each evening.
    • Take regular study breaks, but no longer than 10 minutes each.
    • Review the notes taken in classes each day. It may help to re-write the notes. This will help with learning and understanding the material.
    • If difficulty is experienced on homework, ask a parent, peer, or teacher, the following school day, for assistance. 


    • Always write assignments in the agenda book during each class. All assignments are posted in each classroom. Check Dashboard for accuracy. If there is a discrepancy, consult a peer on your team.
    • Prioritize homework and studying for each evening. Look at the agenda book to determine what is needed to be completed or studied. Stick to the plan developed.
    • Start with the easy assignments first. It feels good when something is accomplished and it can be checked off in the agenda book.
    • Organize backpacks each evening for the next school day. Write a “reminder note” if there is something that needs to be remembered for school the next day. 


    • If a student is absent from school, check with Dashboard for the assignments missed. If feeling well enough, get a head start on the assignments that can be completed from home.
    • For extended absences, parents can call the Attendance Office for a “Homework Request.” This request will be sent to the student’s teachers, and homework will be collected and placed in the Attendance Office file cabinet. Please allow 24 hours for the request to be processed. 
    • Students have the same number of days as absent to complete any missed work. It is encouraged for students to complete missed work as soon as possible, to avoid feeling overwhelmed about completing daily homework and make-up homework.
    • On the day a student returns to school from an absence, all teachers should be consulted regarding missed lectures/assignments/quizzes/tests. 


    • Auditory Learner: learns best from listening to material being presented (i.e. lectures, books on tape, talking concepts over with another person, reading aloud).
    • Visual Learner: learns best when information is presented in written format (i.e. diagrams, notes given in written form prior to beginning a lecture, remembering information in picture form).
    • Tactile/Kinesthetic Learner: learns best in hands-on learning environments (i.e. being able to place the object being discussed in your hand and being able to manipulate the object, learning more from lab related assignments).  


    • Be present for all days of the assessments.
    • Be prompt to school. Testing begins during homeroom.
    • Be certain to eat a healthy breakfast.
    • Remember to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night and obtain 3-4 good nights of sleep prior to the assessment beginning.
    • Relax and do your best.  


    • Prepare flashcards of the important test information that needs to be learned and practice reviewing the flashcards regularly.
    • Always read the directions on the exam prior to starting the exam.
    • If a question is difficult and the answer is not known, circle the question number and return to the question once the remainder of the exam has been completed.
    • Review the material with another person (i.e. parent, sibling, peer) prior to the exam.


    • Be prepared for class by having a writing utensil, paper/notebook/binder, homework, agenda book and anything else required for that class.
    • Complete all assigned readings and homework prior to going to class. Classroom discussions and activities will be easier to learn and follow.
    • Listen in class and find ways to become more attentive. 
    • Actively take notes.
    • Ask questions in class about information that requires further clarification.
    • Remember, if one student has a question about the content being presented, most likely there are more students with the exact same question.


    • Organize binders at least once a week. Clean out and throw away anything that is unnecessary. Ask the teacher if there is uncertainty regarding papers being needed or tossed.
    • Organize and clean out the school locker at least twice a month.
    • Develop a “Homework Folder,” if homework is getting misplaced or not turned in once completed. One side of the folder can be “Work To Be Completed” – work for that evening. The other side of the folder can be labeled “Homework To Be Turned In.” If there are papers left on this side of the folder at the end of the school day, go to see the teacher.
    • Be certain to learn, and know, the teacher’s recommendations for organizing materials (i.e. binders for each section - A.M. binder and P.M. binder). If there are no set requirements for the team, develop a system for yourself to maintain organization of content area materials. 


    • On a weekly calendar, record assignments, due dates of upcoming projects, and scheduled exams. Incorporate extra curricular activities scheduled on this weekly calendar. Plan study time and homework time accordingly.
    • Do not save studying for the night before an exam. Begin studying 3-4 nights prior to an assessment for 10 minutes each evening.
    • Utilize Team Time effectively (i.e. to complete school work, have questions answered by teachers, make-up missed quizzes/tests).
    • Be certain to schedule some relaxation time into the daily schedule. 


    • Read daily over the summer break.
    • Review the above tips often. Study skills are a learned behavior.
    • Practice, practice, practice.
Last Modified on October 14, 2014