NASH and NACA teachers have begun meeting with students to discuss course approvals for next year. The approval process provides students with guidance on the level of coursework the teacher deems to be at each student’s readiness level in a specific content area. The approval process does not take into consideration each student’s individual overall workload. While scheduling for classes, it is important for students to consider personal workload capacity and align course selections with their career goals.
Attached is a video copy of our NASH Counselor Coffee presentation from Thursday, February 18th where our school counselors reviewed important scheduling information, as well as the presentation slides.
From February 22nd through March 5th, NASH counselors will be available to provide information to all juniors to cover the scheduling process, graduation requirements, and post-secondary planning. NACA students are encouraged to sign up for a time to meet with their counselor during their asynchronous English class OR during other asynchronous classes on Wednesdays. When requesting an appointment, students should write (Virtual) next to their name and the counselor will send them a virtual link.
The scheduling window on Tyler SIS will be open for juniors to review and make course selections between February 22 and March 5. Students can only access their course approvals using the student portal, not parent portal.
Students seeking to waive into a class that was not approved must submit their Google Waiver Form by March 5. Scheduling letters will be distributed to all students and families via email on March 12. The scheduling letter lists the selected courses for each student for the 2021-2022 school year. Although we cannot guarantee the scheduling of all desired courses, we make every effort to provide all students with a meaningful schedule. There is a verification portion that will require your approval of these courses as well as an opportunity to communicate necessary changes. Verification/requests must be submitted by the end of the day on Monday, March 15.
If you have any questions, please contact the NASH Counseling Office at 724-934-7224 or 724-934-7221.
Counselors: A-Dn—Jennifer Rosato, Do-J—Rhonda Bielawski, K-M—Mary Insana, N-Sh—Kevin Thompson, Si-Z—Michelle Buettner
- Video copy of NASH Counselor Coffee
- Presentation slides from NASH Counselor Coffee
- Counselor appointment sign up link
- Waiver form