    green team
    The Green Team
    The Green Team is a club that does activities with plants and soil. Green Team’s main project is the IMS School Garden. We will do most of our gardening in the early Fall and in the Spring during Organizational Priority activity periods every other week.  We only meet occasionally during the Winter.  We also hold a plant sale fundraiser in the Spring just before Mother’s Day.
    Grades:  6th - 8th
    Fees/Expenses:  determined by the activity – typically no cost will be involved
    When:  2 activity periods per month in early Fall/Spring and occasionally in the winter, and you can also volunteer 1 day per week over the summer as necessary for garden maintenance
    Where:  room 201 or outside in the garden, other campus locations as necessary
    Website:  The Green Team
    Sponsor:  Mr. H. Gamaché
    Technology Student Association (TSA)
    TSA is a national organization where middle and high school students across the country have the opportunity to compete against other kids their age in a variety of events. TSA takes the study of STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) beyond the classroom and gives students the chance to pursue academic challenges among friends with similar goals and interests.
    Grades:  6th - 8th
    Fees/Expenses:  $50+
    When:   Organizational Activity Period with some after school work sessions
    Where:  IMS Tech Ed area
    Sponsor:  Mr. S. Zurbach
    Student Council Representatives
    Student Council Representatives
    Any student in grades 6-8 is eligible to become a Student Council Representative. In order to become a representative, students must fill out an application and write a short paper explaining why they want to become a member of student council and why they would be a good addition. Applications will be accepted at the start of each semester. If you apply for student council in the fall, you will be a member all year. Representatives must re-apply each school year. Please note that in order to become a 8th grade officer, you must be a Student Council Representative for at least 1 semester your 7th grade year.
    Grades: 6th - 8th
    Fees/Expenses: none
    When: meetings once a month during activity period, plus committee meetings as needed 
    Where: various locations
    Website: Student Council
    Student Council
    Student Council
    The student council is important to the organization and the operation of school activities. The Executive Council is made up of five eighth graders - President, Vice President, Treasurer, Publicity Director, and Recording Secretary. It sponsors many school activities and has a voice in its operations. The student body elects the officers each May - these students will be eighth graders the following school year.
    Grades: 7th (elections take place during 7th grade year)
    Fees/Expenses: none
    When: all year during school and some after school participation
    Where: various locations
    Website: Student Council
    English Festival
    English Festival
    Teams of students read and study six books, compete in various activities based on the books, and also hear a featured author speak.  The IMS library offers copies of the books.  Students who participate should be highly motivated to read and study books on their own because classroom time is not available for preparation. 
    Grades:  6th - 8th
    Fees/Expenses:  $10-$16.70 registration fee, a $35 optional cost for purchase of a set of books
    When:  May, 2016
    Where:  English Festival at Duquesne University
    Sponsor:  Mrs. T. Turner
    National Academic League (NAL)
    NAL is a nationally sponsored academic competition. Schools all over the country compete locally with the same bank of questions. Regional winners then compete with other teams around the country in single-elimination matches that determine a national winner. Students must be well-versed in literature, geography, history, science, mathematics, vocabulary, and current events. The IMS team competes against Carson and Marshall Middle Schools, and West Allegheny Middle School.
    Grades:  6th - 8th
    Participation Fee:  $25
    Additional Fees/Expenses:  team shirt approximately $16, and bus fee of approximately $12, end of year party is approximately $5
    When:  practice begins in November with competitions in January and February
    Where:  Practice will be in room 206 during organizational priority activity periods and some Wednesdays after school.  Game locations will vary according to which team is hosting.  Most games will be from 3:00-5:00 on Wednesdays. 
    Sponsor:  Miss M. Backauskas
    math counts  
    Math Counts
    A club that practices complex math problems in order to prepare to compete in the school competition that qualifies students for regional, state, and national Math Counts competitions.
    Grades:  6th - 8th
    Fees/Expenses: any student who qualifies for the regional competition will have a fee of $12-24
    When:  we meet twice a month to practice, the school competition is in January, the regional competition is in February, state competition is in March, and the national competition is in May
    Where:  Room 215
    debate club

    Forensics - Speech and Debate Club

    The NASH Speech and Debate students run the Middle School Forensics Club here at IMS. Students will improve their public speaking skills and have fun arguing with their peers!

    Grades: 6-8

    When: The club will meet after school twice a month on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting after fall sports end

    Where: IMS Cafeteria

    Website: https://www.northallegheny.org/Page/20283

    Sponsor: Mrs. Kathy Michael

    runners Running Club 

    Do you love to run or are you interested in learning how to run? Then, lace up your running shoes and join us during activity periods this fall. We will go over running basics including form, proper breathing, distance, and sprint intervals.
    Grades: 7-8
    When: Mostly Tuesdays during activity period
    Where: Oustside the gym
    Sponsor: Mrs. Burg

    ims voices

    IMS Voices

    Select, audition-based choral ensemble for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade music students. Meets before school at 7:20 on Wednesdays and performs extra, more challenging music learned at a faster pace.
    Grades: 6-8
    When: Every Wednesday, 7:20 - 8:00am
    Where: Chorus Room
    Sponsor: Mrs. Davis
    tying tigers
    Tying Tigers - Fly Tying
    Do you enjoy fishing, the outdoors, or waters? This is the club for you. Come learn about tying artificial flies for fishing. We will explore the basic techniques to creating your own fishable flies using various tools and materials such as feathers, hooks, thread, etc. which will be provided. Each club meeting, we will tie up new fly patterns. All supplies, such as the vise, tools, hooks, and materials, will be provided. If you want to stock up your fly box and learn about fly tying and fly fishing, come be a part of the Tying Tigers with Mr. Shane.
    Grades: 6-8
    When: Once per month
    Where: Room 203
    Sponsor: Mr. Shane
    guidance aides
    Counseling Office Aides
    Counseling Office Aides will assist the Counselors with delivering passes to homerooms during morning homeroom. Students can sign up alone or with a friend! They will be assigned to be an Aide for one month during this school year!
    Grades: 6-8
    When: For the month the student is assigned, they will report to the Counseling Office during morning homeroom each day during their assigned month.
    Where: Counseling Office
    red ribbon
    Red Ribbon Week Committee
    Students will assist with any Red Ribbon Week Activities that occur in the school during the week of October 23. Some of these activities may include making posters, choosing theme days, morning announcements with drug/alcohol prevention facts, and/or assisting with a school-wide activity.
    Grades: 6-8
    When: The week of October 23 is Red Ribbon Week, so students will be needed to assist with preparations several weeks prior to and during this week.
    Where: Counseling Office
    Dodgeball Club
    7th and 8th grade students will be put into teams and meet during Activity Period to play dodgeball in the gymnasium
    Grades: 7-8
    When: One Wednesday each month during activity period
    Where: Gymnasium
    Sponsor:  Mrs. Custozzo
    IMS Press
    The IMS Press will create and electronically distribute the school's newspapers four times throughout the school year. If you love to write, think about joining. Please see Mrs. Junker in room 209 with specific questions.
    Grades: 6-8
    When: Activity Period and Morning Homerooms (weekly)
    Where: Room 209
    Sponsor: Mrs. Junker
    Ping Pong Club
    Do you love to play ping pong?  Or want to increase your skill level at this awesome sport?  Ping Pong Club is for you!  Please listen to the announcements for important info about joining.
    Grades: 6-8
    When: Activity Period
    Where: Gym
    Sponsor: Mr. Robertson
    Geek Squad
    Explore coding platforms like Scratch, Code.org, and Swift Playground with other students who like computers.
    Grades: 6-8
    When: Once per month
    Where: Computer Lab
    Sponsor: Ms. Truax
    Covestro Science Fair
    Students show off their science abilities during the Covestro Pittsburgh Regional Science and Engineering Fair as they compete for more than $1 milllion in cash prizes and scholarships from local companies and universities.  Take on the challenge of designing, implementing, and communicating an original experiment.  You may also be eligible to compete at the Broadcom MASTERS competition.
    When: Occasionally during activity periods from November to the end of March.  Attendance is mandatory at the competition on March 19, 2019
    Sponsor:  Mrs. Miles
    harry potter
    Harry Potter Club
    Do you think you are a true Potterhead?  Are you always itching to share your knowledge on spells, charms, and the books movies themselves?  Share ideas, theories, and more!  Take quizzes, test each other on your knowledge, and maybe even make a mini Harry Potter movie with your friends!  Get sorted into houses, have an in-school triwizard tournament, and more!
    Grades: 6-8
    When: Tuesdays during activity period
    Where: Room 211
    Sponsor: Mrs. Besterci
    kick butts
    Kick Butts Day Committee
    Help plan and decorate for the IMS Annual Kick Butts Day Celebration, where the school pledges to be tocacco free!
    Grades: 6-8
    When: Planning meetings leading up to Kick Butts Day in April 2018
    Where: Gym
    Sponsor: Coach Hinton
    Benefit Run Committee
    Each year, IMS holds a Benefit Run in May.  Student who wish to participate raise money for various charities with great causes! We've donated to organizations like the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, National Downs Syndrome Society, Childrens Heart Foundation, and St. Baldrick's Day.  Be a part of this great cause and help with planning, decorations, announcement and much more!
    Grades: 6-8
    When: Meetings leading up to the Benefit Run in May
    Where: Gym
    Sponsor: Coach Hinton
    Tiger P.A.K.
    Sponsor: Coach Hinton
    Gymnastics Club
    Sponsor: Coach Hinton
    Spikeball Club
    Sponsor: Mr. Robertson/Coach Hinton