• Music 

    Band Band
    All groups perform in two concerts per year and outside performances such as 8th grade night with the marching band, at shopping malls, and special assemblies. Outgrowths of this program include: PMEA Festivals, Allegheny Valley Honors Band, and the Jazz Ensemble.
    Grades: 6th - 8th
    Fees/Expenses: instrument rental/purchase reeds and mouthpieces
    When: Students meet every other day in small groups as a scheduled class for lessons and during activity periods for full ensemble rehearsals. Dress rehearsals after school are scheduled prior to each concert to ensure a successful performance.
    Where:  IMS 
    Director:  Mr. L. Pisani

    Chorus Chorus
    For any student with an interesting in singing. A variety of musical pieces are performed. In addition to the winter and spring concerts, many extra performance opportunities are available, such as singing the National Anthem at IMS basketball games and performing in a special small ensemble. Each chorus (6, 7, 8) performs a wide variety of music.
    Grades: 6th - 8th
    Fees/Expenses: none
    When: meets during chorus class and activity periods with some special groups meeting before and after school; performances in December and May
    Where: IMS
    Websites: Chorus 6, Chorus 7
    Directors:  Ms. P. Bauer and Miss J. Mazza
    Jazz Ensemble Jazz Ensemble
    Jazz Ensemble is a co-curricular activity, an outgrowth of the instrumental program. It is open to members of the band or orchestra who play trumpet, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, low brass, electric bass, electric guitar, keyboard or percussion. Due to a limit of forty (40) students, older students are given preference.
    Grades: 7th - 8th
    Participation Fee: $25
    Additional Fees/Expenses: instrument rental/purchase reeds and mouthpieces
    When: after school one day per week, fall/spring semester
    Where: IMS
    Website: Jazz Ensemble
    Director:  Mr. L. Pisani
    Orchestra Orchestra
    There are three concerts and outside performances such as string festivals, all district string concert and the county court house. Outgrowths of the program include PMEA festivals and string quartets.
    Grades: 6th - 8th
    Fees/Expenses: none
    When: meets during orchestra class, some activity periods, and with some special groups meeting before and after school
    Where: IMS
    Director:  Mr. R. Whisler