Grade 6-8 Art

  • Grade 6 Art
    Students attend Art Class for 9 weeks, exploring Drawing, Graphics, Painting and Sculpture using a variety of materials. Students apply the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design as they learn a variety of techniques in various art media as the four strands of art education are woven through the curriculum: Art Production, Art History, Art Appreciation, and Art Criticism.
    Art experiences may include:
    Drawing with chalk pastel, oil pastel, colored pencil, marker, graphite. Tempera and/or watercolor painting, Mixed Media, Collage, Ceramics, Papier Mache', etc.
    Grade 7 Art
    Students attend Art Class for 6 weeks.  They exploring Drawing, Graphics, Painting, Printmaking and Sculpture using a variety of materials. Students apply the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design as they learn a variety of techniques in various art media as the four strands of art education are woven through the curriculum: Art Production, Art History, Art Appreciation, and Art Criticism.
    Art experiences may include:
    Drawing with chalk pastel, oil pastel, colored pencil, marker, and/or graphite. Tempera and/or watercolor painting may be explored as time allows, ceramics and linoleum block printing.
    Grade 8 Art
    Students attend Art Class for 12 weeks. They exploring Drawing, Graphics, Painting, Jewelry/Metalry, and Sculpture using a variety of materials.  Students apply the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design as they learn a variety of techniques in various art media as the four strands of art education are woven through the curriculum: Art Production, Art History, Art Appreciation, and Art Criticism.
    Art experiences may include:
    Drawing with chalk pastel, oil pastel, colored pencil, marker, charcoal, conte,and/or graphite, ceramics and jewelry/metalry.
Last Modified on October 21, 2012