• course requirements

    Student Expectations and Homework Policies

    8th Grade




    Students should come to school and to every class with a good attitude.  They should be ready to learn and to contribute to the class discussion and/or activities.  Students should try to make the most of every class in their school day.


    Students should arrive on time for every class and come prepared with the necessary materials to make their class experiences a success.


    Students must show respect to their teachers, principals, and to each other. 


    Academic integrity is the expectation.  Students must complete their own work.  Infractions will result in consequences as outlined in the NA Code of Conduct.


    Arriving late or without proper materials for a class 3 times during a nine-week period will result in a detention.



    Homework and Grading


    Assignments must be completed and turned in on time to receive full credit.  Late homework assignments and/or projects will be graded according to each subject area’s guidelines and specifications.


    Every student is responsible for completing his or her own assignments.  Copying homework will result in zeros for the assignment for all students involved.


    Students are responsible for requesting and completing missed assignments for any type of absence.  Vacation homework must be secured before leaving and turned in upon return to school.


    Final grades in all subjects are determined by the percentage of accumulated points for each nine weeks.  Students are assessed and evaluated in a number of ways:  homework assignments, quizzes, tests, and projects (in some subject areas).

Last Modified on September 8, 2011