• Middle School Online Textbooks






    First time users will need an Activation Code. The code is available through the child's math teacher. The math teacher will also supply each child with a username and password.



    First time users will need an Activation Code. The code is available through the child's reading teacher. The reading teacher will also supply each child with a username and password.



    Teachers will supply students with an Activation Code.


    Social Studies

    Teachers will supply each child with a username and password.



    Teachers will supply each child with a username and password.


     7 Math  
     First time users will need an Activation Code.  The code is available through the child's math teacher.  The math teacher will also supply each child with a username and password.

     Reading First time users will need an Activation Code.  The code is available through the child's reading teacher.  The reading teacher will also supply each child with a username and password.

     7 Science First time users will need an Activation Code.  The code is available through the child's science teacher.

     7 Social Studies
     Teachers will supply each child with a username and password.

     7 English Teachers will supply each child with a username and password.


     8 Math First time users will need an Activation Code.  The code is available through the child's math teacher.  The math teacher will also supply each child with a username and password.

     8 Science
     First time users will need an Activation Code.  The code is available through the child's science teacher.

     8 Social Studies
     Students will receive a Redemption Code from their teachers.  Students will use the redemption code to create an account.

     8 Spanish Paso - A - Paso Book A

      Health/PE Teen Health by Glencoe

      Family & Consumer Science
     An Activation Code is needed to access this textbook. The code is available through the child's FCS teacher.