Name: Mr. Chris SestiliBusiness, Computer, &Information TechnologyEmail: csestili@northallegheny.orgNASH(Room 244)Course(s): NASH - Sports & Entertainment Mgt./Business Mgt./Business Com/Ad & PromotionsDistrict Activities: Sponsor - Future Business Leaders of AmericaBusiness Offerings:
D.O¨ Windows Applications 1
¨ Windows Applications 2
¨ Web Page Design (11-12)
¨ Prin of Acct 1 & 2 (9-12)
¨ Honors Ad. Acct 1 & 2 (11-12)
¨ Business Mgt/International (11-12)
¨ Sports & Entertainment Mgt (11-12)
¨ Business Communications (11-12)
¨ Entrepreneurship (12)
¨ Keyboarding/M.S Word (11-12)
¨ Honors International Business
¨ Honors Finance & Invest(11-12)
¨ Marketing (11-12)
¨ Ad & Promotion(11- 12)
¨ Ad Marketing (12)
¨ Marketing Cooperative Work Experience (11-12)
¨ Career & Personal Development (12)
¨ D. O. Cooperative WorkExperience (12)
Last Modified on October 2, 2020