Class Policies and Procedures
Mrs. Good
Honors Spanish V
- Please arrive on time with all appropriate materials. Students will not be issued a hall pass to go to lockers as this causes a disruption and loss of instructional time. Please refer to Code of Conduct for disciplinary procedures for tardiness. Please always be prepared with a pencil or a dark blue/black ink pen. Materials handed in to the teacher should only be in those colors.
- Work is expected on due date. Late work will be accepted for partial credit on the next class day. After that a zero will be recorded.
- Grades are based on a point system. Points are assigned according to value and difficulty of a project. Grades will be determined by dividing points earned by the total points possible. District grading scale will be used.
- Disrespect towards students or teachers will not be tolerated.
- Students are responsible for all texts and workbooks issued by NASD. Students will also need a notebook or folder to hold materials given in class.
- Students are responsible for all work missed due to any type of absence (for unexcused absences see #7). Students will have the same number of days absent to make up work. For example.. absent one day... work due the day after return... absent one week.. all work including tests and quizzes made up by the end of the next week. Extended absences and special circumstances will be addressed by the teacher. Since much of what is learned in the class revolves around speaking and class activities, frequent absences will negatively affect a student’s grades.
- Students will be awarded participation days on a daily basis. 2 points for being in class and prepared and participating. Students will lose a point(s) for not having homework done, not being prepared, or misbehavior. These points are NOT able to be made up. If a student is absent excused they will be excused from the points that day. Excessive absences will reduce points possible therefore possibly affecting the grade negatively. It is the student’s responsibility to show admit slip on returning from an absence. After two days if no admit slip is produced, a zero will be recorded for participation.
- No make-up work will be accepted for unexcused absences. A zero will be recorded for each test or quiz on a day that is an unexcused absence. Students will also receive a zero for participation points for each unexcused absence.
- It is ok to make mistakes in this class, we all learn from our own mistakes and the mistakes of others.
- The times that I am available for student help this year are as follows…
Period 1 7:30-8:28
Other times by appointment
Last Modified on October 6, 2020