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    Elementary General Music

    The North Allegheny Music Education Program is based on six essential strands.  These strands exist on all levels of the North Allegheny music program K-12.  The six strands are: Listening, Reading, Writing, Performing, Creating and Music History and Literature.  The strands are, of course, approached at each grade level in a correct developmental level for the grade in the class.   Definitions of each of the six strands are set forth below.    

    LISTENING-means using the ear to link sound stimulus (i) with the mind in order to hear, identify, label and classify musical entities and respond to the aesthetic experience in a feelingful way.

    READING and WRITING- means using the eye to link visual stimulus (i) with the mind in order to see, identify, label classify, write and compute musical entities in order to promote understanding and appreciation of those musical entities.

    PERFORMING- means using the ear, eye, muscles, and mind to generate and combine musical entities by moving, singing, or playing instruments in order to produce an aesthetic experience.

    CREATING- means using the ear, eye, muscles and mind to generate new and original musical entities by improvising and/or composing in order to produce an aesthetic experience.

    MUSIC HISTORY and LITERATURE- means using the ear, eye and mind to gain insight in order to express thought about music in various cultures.

    The strands that make up the music program are approached in a scope and sequence which, once again, is repeated at every grade K-5 at a developmental level which is appropriate for that particular grade level.  The scope and sequence followed in every grade level are: Rhythm, Melody, Harmony/Texture, Form, Tone Color, and Expression/Style.