
    Contact Information: (724) 935-4044
    Cheri Alviso
    Tina Tomczak
    Gabriella Tomko
    Library Secretary

    MES Library Overview
    The MES library provides students and staff access to over 25,000 items. A variety of subscription databases such as America the Beautiful, Pebble Go and World Book Encyclopedia, are available through our computer search stations and adjoining computer labs. These resources are also available for use at home by clicking on Online Resources at Home. The library maintains an extensive collection of web sites suitable for elementary students arranged by Grade level and interest. The library catalog, Destiny, is available online at school and at home.
    Students attend weekly library/computer classes taught by the librarians. Classes in first through fifth grades receive a report card grade at the end of each semester. Additional collaborative library/information technology lessons delivered in conjunction with classroom teachers are encouraged whenever possible, because of the wide applicability of information and technology skills to all areas of study. Book exchanges, story times, the Birthday Book Club, MES March Madness and other reading activities support the development of student literacy.The librarians are also responsible for the co-ordination of the elementary computer technology program, including integration, supervision of the adjoining computer labs and staff in-service. Other duties include the administration and support of Web 2.0 tools.
Last Modified on September 15, 2021