• AP Economics

    Ms. Keats


    Welcome to AP economics.  I am excited about our year together.  As this is the first year that this course is being offered and my first time teaching the curriculum, it promises to be an interesting experience for us both.  I have spent considerable time this summer preparing for this course, and if you put forth the requisite effort on your part, I am confident that we will be successful.  


    If you have any questions or concerns, always email me at jkeats@northallegheny.org.  The best time to meet with me for additional help is during 1st or 10th period.  I am also happy to meet with you before or after school if you let me know ahead of time when you want to meet. 


    Important things to consider as you undertake this class:  Please read through these carefully tonight before we begin our study:


    1. Why are you taking AP economics?
    2. Do you want to learn the workings of our economy?  Are you interested in business, finance, economics, accounting or marketing as a career?  If so, this course will help you considerably.    If not, this course is still excellent preparation for college coursework.  Economics is a very analytic, logical and systematic discipline.  It will help you approach problem-solving and decision-making in a rational and logical way.
    3. Are you ready for a college level class? Are academics at or near the top of the list of your priorities?  As an AP class, the level of rigor will require a substantial commitment of time and effort on your part.
    4. How much time will you need to devote to this class? This depends on your own strengths, study skills and schedule of outside activities Are you willing to devote 4 to 5 hours of out-of-class work per week? If so, sit tight and enjoy the class. 
    5. Are you a strong reader? In terms of course requirements, nothing will take more time than reading and studying the textbook.  Research has shown that the strongest correlate of success in high school AP classes is reading ability. If you are willing to read and study the text regularly you are in the right place. 
    6. Keep in mind that your level of motivation is just as important as your ability level. If you want to succeed in AP economics and are willing to put in the necessary effort, you will excel.

    7.  How do you feel about graphs and models?  Much of AP Economics and the most difficult material involve creating, interpreting and manipulating graphs and models both in the short and long-run.


    Attitude, study skills, determination and discipline count as much as your innate ability. 




    What can you do to help yourself in this class?

    1. Come to every class
    2. Bring your workbook to class every day and use it effectively.
    3. Get help if you do not understand something. I am here to help. Make an appointment and let us work on this together.
    4. Keep up your reading. Do not fall behind. Keep a schedule and maintain it.
    5. Learn the vocabulary.
    6. Take thorough, dated notes in class.
    7. Learn to read more effectively:  Preview chapters, look over the graphs and charts and conclusion to the chapter.  Again, try to adhere to a schedule.   While this class should not require hours of study per night, it does require consistent work.
    8. Form a study group to help each other. Exchange telephone numbers and email address with others in class to help communicate and share ideas.
    9. Discuss the concepts you learn in class with your family, friends, and other teachers.  This has been found to increase understanding and later recall of the information. 


    How will this class be taught?

    1. A variety of techniques will be used including:
      1. Lecture
      2. Group work
      3. Graphs—THE key to economics at any level
      4. Simulations
      5. Timed writings
      6. Readings outside of the textbook
      7. Computer and website use
      8. Handouts and activities
      9. Smaller group seminars where possible


    1. We will use a college level textbook as well as current readings from the internet and print media to stay abreast of economic developments.


    1. We will use the NCEE (National Council of Economic Education) workbooks.  I will begin by making copies for you, but you are encouraged to purchase the Microeconomic and Macroeconomic workbooks for your own use.  I will provide more information on this during the first week of class.


    Materials you will need for class everyday:


    1.                   A binder – I will give you many handouts that are 3 hole punched.

    2.                 A spiral notebook

    3.                 Colored pens or pencils

    4.                 One or two dry erase makers

    5.                 THE NCEE WORKBOOK


Last Modified on August 25, 2010