• Study Suggestions/Skills/Methods (update 2011-2012)


    Habits to develop, to do consistently so you don’t have to cram in the end:
    (1)   Pay attention in class.  Participate, and ask questions when necessary.  Try to learn concepts the first time around, so that later you are just refreshing.
    (2)   Take advantage of in-class reviews.
    (3)   Do the homework as we go along.  Evaluate what you do and don’t understand. Check odd answers to monitor your progress.
    (4)   Take notes daily.  Use abbreviations that you understand so your notes will be effective.
    (5)   Go over notes every night (at least use as a reference for HW, especially when running into difficulty).
    (6)   Don’t procrastinate by waiting until the last minute to learn the concepts.
    (7)   Get materials organized.  Find work place with limited distractions.
    (8)   Work extra examples of problems (concepts) you still haven’t mastered.

    (9)   If you do not understand a problem or topic after first trying it yourself, then ask the teacher for help (or a friend, parent, bro/sis, etc.).

    Procedures to follow to prepare adequately for quizzes, quests, and tests:
    (1)  Use study-guides or make your own.  Complete review assignments/worksheets.
    (2)   Work or rework problems the night before an evaluation (at least one of each type from the reviews, from the sections being tested).
    (3)  Look over notes, redoing sample problems while temporarily covering the answers and then checking your progress.
    (4)  Look at samples in the book to reestablish steps and procedures.
    (5)  Do necessary problems from extra practice sheets (in packet by each section), as well as checkpoints from the book (all answers in the back).
    (6)  Redo problems you got wrong the first time around, and redo sample test problems from in-class reviews.
    (7)  Break down concepts – find relationships between concepts – don’t memorize all at once.
    (8)  Take study breaks (at least 10 minutes for every hour of study).
    (9)  Do not over study. Get enough sleep the night before.
    (10)  Attend after school extra review sessions if necessary.
    (11)  Study strengths and weaknesses, but try not to waste too much time on what you already know well.
    Random suggestions that may or may not help you depending on your learning style and what distracts you:
    (1)  Use note cards.  Use color, highlights, etc. to help facts stand out if this is helpful.  Write down what you don’t understand on note cards.
    (2)  Study at a desk. Avoid working on a bed.
    (3)  Study with a friend or a group.  You can help each other; give each other sample problems to do.
    (4)  Use the computer as a resource or for interactive learning programs.
    (5)  Find a comfortable study area with limited distractions, leaving enough workspace. Use a good writing utensil.  Have a calculator handy.
    (6)  Memorize details (certain formulas) with sayings, pneumonic memory devices.  Say things out loud – think aloud.  You can blame it on your imaginary friends.
    (7)  Rewrite important notes and definitions until you know them.
    (8)  Read the chapter to clarify the material.
    (9)  Listen to music (if it doesn’t distract you).  Classical music has been shown to be effective as background study music. Yeah, Beethoven, Mozart, Kelly Clarkson, etc.
    (10) Study when you are awake and alert to be most productive.
    2011-2012 Additional suggestions from our brainstorm:
    (1)  Work in classzone.com with sample tests, quizzes, games, the online tutor, and the flipcards.  The flipcards are great for learning vocabulary and theorems.
    (2)  Focus on prioritizing the material or concepts that you need to work on the most.
    (3)  If you don’t understand something, do not wait until the night before the test to address it.  Ask about it sooner – nip it in the bud.
    (4)  Do the chapter reviews from the textbook.

    (5)  Spread out your study over a period of time to avoid cramming at the end.

Last Modified on January 19, 2012