English as a Second Language for KindergartenNew letter sound:thAll letter sounds:M, S, R, A, T, N, P, C, I, D, O, G, F, E, B, K, U, L, H, W, X, V, J, Y, Z, Q,sh, ch, ck, thNew sight word:who, outAll sight words:I, a, my, the, go, was, to, like, he, and, come, here, this, said, me, for,where, do, of, play, look, you, one, see, what, two, up, down, friend, we, want,who, out, any, are, they, she, good, thereStarfall - practice letters, sounds, and vocabularyPicture Match - practice letter sounds and vocabularyPhonics Play - practice blending and vocabulary
Last Modified on March 18, 2019