
    Academic Geometry                                Syllabus 

    Teacher: Mrs. Catherine Jones




    Textbook: GEOMETRY, Authors Larson, Boswell, Kanold, and Stiff

                      Copyright @2007 McDougal Littell


    Online Textbook: www.classzone.com, access code will be given in class, students use previous username and password, students new to the district will select new username and password, ISBN code:


    Materials Required for Class each Day:

    • Three ring binder (1” or larger) for note packet and handouts

    • Scientific Calculator (TI-30, $10 - $20) strongly recommended

    • Geometry textbook (please cover textbook with book cover)

    • Pencil


    Chapters studied


    Chp 1 Essentials of Geometry

    Chp 2 Reasoning and Proof

    Chp 3 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

    Chp 4 Congruent Triangles

    Chp 5 Relationships within Triangles

    Chp 6 Similarity

    Chp 7 Right Triangles and Trigonometry

    Chp 8 Quadrilaterals

    Chp 10 Properties of Circles

    Chp 11 Measuring Length and Area

    Chp 12 Surface Area and Volume of Solids





    TESTS AND QUIZZES              60%   Test and/or Quiz weekly

    HOMEWORK                           25%   Mon. – Thurs. (3pts/assignment)

    GROUP WORK/PROJECTS     15%    Approx. once a month








    Grading Scale

    A - 89.5% - 100%

    B - 79.5% - 89.4%

    C - 69.5% - 79.4%

    D - 59.5% - 69.4%

    F -       0% - 59.4%


    Grading Policy

    All points are added together for a grading period (total points). The grade is calculated by dividing the total points earned by the total points possible for the nine week grading period. That number is multiplied by 100 to determine the percentage earned for the nine week period.


    Final Grade

    Total points earned for the four nine week grading periods are added together and divided by the total number of points possible for the four nine week grading periods. That number is multiplied by 100 to determine the final grade percentage for the year.


    Make-Up Work

    When students are absent they should make-up graded work within one week. Students should check the webpage to determine the concepts they have missed. Upon returning to school, students should pick up handouts provided in classroom bins and approach the teacher to schedule a time to receive instruction and/or make-up exam dates.


    Additional Help

    • I am very happy to help students outside of class. I am available:

                Before school:               Room 62      7:00AM – 7:25AM

                During the school day:

                                                       Period 4 Prep Period

                                                       Period 5 Lunch Period

                                                       Period 7 Cafeteria Duty

                After school:                  Room 62       2:20PM - 3:30PM


    • **Geometry Math Minute Videos** give a quick summery of each lesson and step by step explanation for a few homework problems in each section. The videos are located on my webpage. To access the webpage for Geometry Videos and for Geometry HW assignments and notification of upcoming Tests and Quizzes: www.northallegheny.org, go to North Allegheny Intermediate, Building Staff, click on my name: Jones, Catherine, left column: Geometry Math in a Minute HW Help for access to Videos, and click on Academic Geometry HW assignments for access to HW assignments and upcoming Test and Quiz dates.






      To be successful in Academic Geometry


    1.   Arrive to class on time with math binder, note packet, book and pencil

    2.   Check HW answers for process and accuracy and ask for clarification if needed        

    3.   Participate during instruction and work on problems

    4.   ASK QUESTIONS!!


    6.   Be willing to make mistakes and struggle

    7.   Understand Geometry is different than Algebra-- there is a lot of vocabulary       

       to be studied, and there is more analyzing and logical reasoning than memorizing   

       steps to solve an algorithm—it may take a while to adjust to this type of thinking


    9.   Be respectful to others, responsible and honest

    10.   Use the hall pass near the beginning or end of class,

    11.   Class cut = 2 detentions + 1 phone call home

    12.   Swim through Geometry in the deep end of the pool, not in the baby  







      ___________________________            ___________________________

      Student’s Name (printed)                        Student’s Signature




      ___________________________            ___________________________

      Parent/Guardian’s Name (printed)        Parent/Guardian’s Signature


      Please contact me with any concerns. Email is the best way to contact me as there is not a direct phone line to my classroom. I will do my best to help your student excel in geometry class.














Last Modified on July 9, 2015