Dear Parents,
In lieu of using this web page to post assignments, I have changed to a more personal and up-to-the minute way of communicating homework assignments. Each day, I will e-mail you a PDF copy of the homework/classwork assignments, learning goals, long-term assignments and upcoming test and quiz information page that students receive at the start of each class. I, as well as past students and parents, found that this is a much more valuable tool for keeping track of exactly what is going on in class each day than the general information and constantly changing assignment schedules given on a page that is updated once per week.
If you would like to participate in this tool, please send me a quick e-mail that you would like to receive "Daily Journal Entries" for my course. If you would like to discontinue receiving the DJE's at any time in the future, please feel free to let me know, and I will stop sending them.
Thank you, and have a good school year,
Mr. Aidan HarschSubject:All Physical Science Classes
DateAssignmentMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayStudy for Chapter 14 Exam