     Mayflower Compact  Jamestown Fort



    I-II.   The Planting of Jamestown


                Text pp 30-36 (1/2 first column)


                What was it that made Jamestown a “success” when other attempts at lasting colonies failed?  What does this foreshadow about the future development of what will become the American South?


    III.          The Southern Colonies


    Text pp 36-41(all), 68-70 (first paragraph)


    In what ways does slavery define the settlement of the early southern colonies?  Which are seeming exceptions to the rule?


         IV.      The African Slave Trade and the South


                     Text pp 74-77, Spirit: 73-75 (Smith), 75-76 (Andreoni)


    How do you predict society would have developed in the American South if African slavery had NOT existed? Explain your thoughts.    


    V.        New England


    Text pp 46-53 (1st column)


    Are early New England colonies theocracies?  Explain.


    VI-VII. Religion and Society in New England


                Text pp 80-86; Spirit 81-83 (Mather), 83-84 (testimony)


                How is life in New England markedly different than that in the southern colonies? Provide specific examples.



    VIII.       Middle colonies


    Text pp 56-62 (all), 64-66


    According to your text, “the middle colonies were in many respects midway between New England and the southern plantation group”.  How so?  How are they unique?




    IX.      Life in Colonial America


    Text 88-93 (top of second column)




    What evidence of class structure in early America is illustrated by these readings?  Is it uniform among the three primary regions?




    X.          Mercantilism and America                       



    Text pp 55-56, 93-96 (1st section), 127-129 (1/2 1st column); Spirit: 136-137 (Smith)





    Should Britain’s mercantile policy towards its American colonies be considered a success or failure?  Why?




    XI.       The Enlightenment, Religion, and Politics


    Text pp 97-104 (1/2 1st column), Spirit 93-94 (Franklin), 94-96 (Edwards)


    What where the social consequences of the Great Awakening?  In what ways did Puritan religious doctrines lend themselves to the support of later political thought?



           XII.    Grouping Activity – the Colonies

                     In-class small-group project on colonial America



Last Modified on July 11, 2016