• Theodore RooseveltThe JungleUncle SamThe Roaring Twenties


    Unit VII: Establishing a New Domestic and Global Identity (1890-1929)


    I.          Murder at the Fair


    Video and interpretation assignment (in-class)




    II.        Origin and Nature of the Progressive Movement


    Text 702-712


    Why was the Progressive Movement more than the “Populist Buggy” rolled out for a new century?





    III.       The Roosevelt Program


    Text 712 (Square Deal), 714-717, 720-723 (first paragraph)


    What was Roosevelt’s greatest contribution to the Progressive Movement?



    IV.       Insurgency Crisis


    Text 723 (Taft), 724-725, 728-730 (first column)




    What accomplishments of the Taft Administration were clearly in the Progressive tradition?  Who is more to blame for Wilson’s election – Taft or Roosevelt?




    V.        Wilson and the New Freedom


    Text 730-734 (first half of 2nd column)


    Could Wilson justifiably claim that by 1915 his administration had fulfilled the aims and objectives of the Progressive Program?





    VI.       The NEW Manifest Destiny


    Text 669-672 (2nd paragraph)


    In what ways did American expansion in the 1880’s and 1890’s differ from Manifest Destiny in the 1830’s and 1840’s?




    VII.     War With Spain


    Text 428-430, 673-678


    How valid is the view that the Spanish-American War was a blunder?  Was it the consequence of greed and/or the work of malicious agitators?  Who stood to gain most by the war?


    VIII.    American Imperialism at High Tide


    Text 679, 682-685 (all); Spirit 171-172 (Beveridge), 172-173 (Twain)


    What are the moral arguments for and against imperialism?  Which is the stronger argument?  Why?



    IX.       The Big Stick in Latin America


    Text 690-693 (first section), Spirit 179-180 (Roosevelt), 180-182 (Loomis and Ehrman)




    Evaluate the criticism of Roosevelt’s role in Panama in light of his course of action. 




    X.        Wilsonian Moral Diplomacy


    Text 734-738 (first paragraph), Spirit 231-234 (Wilson), 234-235 (Humphrey)


    How does Wilsonian motivation and action in Mexico foreshadow American foreign policy pertaining to the Great War to come?





    XI.       The Gathering Clouds of War


    Text 738-743, 746-747


    Did America actually enter World War I to defend the freedom of the seas – or was this a smokescreen to camouflage the nation’s real motives?  If it was camouflage, what WERE the real motives of the United States?




    XII.     Fighting in Europe and the Fourteen Points


    Text 748 (Fourteen Points), 756 (bottom of 2nd column)-758 (all), 760-761


    What was America’s greatest contribution to the Allied victory in World War I? 




    XIII.    A Betrayal of Great Expectations


    Text 761-767 (all), Spirit II 263-264 (Germany Protests), 264-265 (Smuts)


    Should America’s failure to accept the role of world leadership be blamed upon Wilson, Lodge, both, or neither?  Explain your response.




    XIV-XVI.       The Twenties: A look back


    Only Yesterday (in class)


    ***Students will create a class summary of Allen’s book Only Yesterday and present various aspects of it to the class.  Each student will be assigned a particular chapter of Allen’s book and be responsible for the material therein***



    XVII.  Foreign Affairs in the 1920’s


    Text 800-803 (2nd paragraph), 808-809 (to Triumph)




    What was the primary aim of American foreign policy during the years after WWI?  Did America pursue one foreign policy program in all parts of the world?


Last Modified on July 11, 2016