• Homework Reminders
    • Daily, students are expected to read for 10 minutes, study spelling words for 10 minutes and practice basic math facts for 5 minutes.
    • "Weekenders" only come home every other weekend.  Your child is to write about something they did over the weekend. It can be one sentence or a paragraph...it is up to them. Encourage them to write more! They should be able to read what they wrote so they can share it with us on Monday. Illustrations are encouraged :)
    • Book Baggies: When a book baggie comes home, please have your child read the book to you/with you and return the book the following day. If it is a book they can read independently, please encourage them to read it to you a few times. Remind them they are to track the print (point to the words) as they read.  Remember...practice makes perfect!!
    • Reading Books: when your child brings home his/her reading book, encourage them to read to YOU a few stories from the reader that we have already read in school. Remind them to return the book to school the following day.
Last Modified on August 12, 2019