Dear 2C Families,
Welcome to 2nd grade at Peebles Elementary! I am enthusiastic about the year ahead and grateful to be your child’s teacher. I am looking forward to a fantastic school year! The success of your child is my number one priority. I take pride in being the kind of teacher that students can talk to and one that also teaches life lessons. I have high expectations for each one of my students. I intend to help them in any way that I can so they meet my expectations and work to the best of their ability. I look forward to seeing my students grow into young adults where they take pride in their learning, behavior, and successes. I believe this is a group effort- parent, teacher, and student. I am eager to get to know you and work together with you and your child so that your child reaches his/her full potential.
As I strive to prepare your child for a successful school year, I need your help and cooperation this year so your child can achieve to the best of his/her ability. The following are some of the principles and expectations that will be emphasized in our classroom this year:
Each child has the RIGHT to:
- Learn
- Develop independent learning skills
- Be proud of his/her work
- Enjoy a pleasant, efficient classroom atmosphere
- Be transported safely on the bus
- An enjoyable and comfortable lunch/recess
- Understand the material that is being taught
- Participate in class discussions
- Raise his/her hand to be called upon before talking
Each child has the RESPONSIBILITY to:
- Not interfere with those students who are learning by disrupting the class
- Turn in homework on time when assigned
- Turn in neatly written assignments
- Be prepared for class with the necessary materials at all times
- Not interfere with the safety of others on the bus
- Help others have the same enjoyable lunch/recess
- Ask questions when you don’t understand the material being taught
- Do not talk while others are talking
- Be RESPECTFUL of ALL teachers, staff, classmates and personal/school property
Rules for Virtual Learning:
- Log in to Blackboard Collaborate Course Room at assigned times.
- Make sure your microphone is muted (unless called upon).
- Video is on so that we can learn together.
- Use the AWAY sign when stepping away from the class.
- Use the raise hand feature if you have a question.
I am excited about what this year holds for your child, and promise to provide motivating educational experiences. I hope everyone involved will share my enthusiasm. I welcome you to become an active participant in your child’s learning. I am happy to address any questions and concerns that you may have now and throughout the year. I can be reached via phone, but email is the best way that I can correspond with you during the work day when I have available time. I believe a successful year requires open communication and responsibility on everyone’s part. Teaching is more than a job to me; it’s a responsibility as well as a passion. I accept this responsibility with great commitment, dedication, and joy. With your help, I know we will have a terrific year. Thank you for your cooperation and the privilege of teaching your child. I’m looking forward to meeting you and to an exciting school year!
Mrs. Lynn Antoon