Remote Learning Information - Mr. Yeakel
Dear Hosack Families,
I hope the following information supports you during this time. First, please know that WIN (What I Need) classes will NOT have assigned and expected work during remote learning. Your child is only responsible for reading assignments through his/her teacher's ELA coursework. At the same time, please sincerely know that both Mrs. Scott and I are available as resources for you and your student. We will be supporting classroom teachers in planning lessons. If you are in need of a strategy, resource, or idea to help your child with classroom activities or as a support, we are available by email (hyeakel@northallegheny.org).
Here is a list of websites, provided by North Allegheny, as resources for remote learning. These may be used by your child's homeroom teacher.
Learning A-Z (By Building licenses)
Kennedy Center: Doodles with Mo Willems
Students in my WIN classes (1st Grade - 5th Grade), also have a WIN Google Classroom set up. Although nothing I post is required, I will share resources that families request with the classroom community in case it can be used by another family.