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    Rocket Math 

    Teachers in grades one through five will be fully implementing Rocket Math as part of their daily Math instruction. This research-based program has shown that students who gain automaticity with their basic facts are then able to free up cognitive abilities to focus on more complex math concepts. Rocket Math offers a supplemental curriculum that is uniquely structured to present sequential practice and mastery of math facts for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. There will be approximately ten-minutes of instruction dedicated to this program each day. While many teachers throughout the District have used this program in the past, starting with the 2013-2014 school year all first through fifth grade students will participate in this program with fidelity to enhance their basic facts mastery with an ultimate goal of automaticity. Classroom teachers will be providing parents with additional information about this program along with ideas for home practice to assist in developing these skills during the annual Curriculum Nights.  Get ready to blast off with Rocket Math!


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     Click the image above to view the Rocket Math Guide for Parents