• The North Allegheny School District Board of Directors will hold a VIRTUAL Combined Meeting on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be streamed via a Teams Webinar.

    Speakers are requested to reserve time in advance.  Speakers that register at least 24-hours in advance of the meeting will be given five minutes to speak. After that time, speakers will be given two minutes to speak.  Names will be called in the order that requests are received. After everyone who registered in advance has spoken, the opportunity will be given to any resident of the District who wishes to speak, for up to two minutes. 

    To register to speak, please email the School Board Secretary, Kelly Caldwell at kcaldwell@northallegheny.org.  It will be necessary to give a topic and to be a resident of the District.  When called upon to speak, individuals will be asked to provide their full name.

    To participate in the live stream of the December 8, 2021 Combined Meeting, click the link below. When clicking the link, attendees will be prompted to "register" to attend the meeting and to provide an email address in which to send the meeting link.  Attendees will then click the link in the email received.  


    We anticipate that the stream will go live at 5:45 p.m. for the Budget and Finance Committee Meeting.  The Combined Meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m.