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Christmas for Our Troops

It’s that time of year again! Boucek’s Battalion is officially kicking off their 14th year of supporting our men and women serving overseas. Once again, we are asking for various items for our donation as a school to contribute to creating gift boxes. This year the goal for Boucek’s Battalion is to send support to 1,000 soldiers! Last year we were able to send our gift packages to Japan, Bahrain, Iraq and other countries. Due to the generous donations last year, we were able to reach troops far and wide. 

If you would like to participate in an item collection/drive this year, Boucek’s Battalion has identified specific items from our school. These are light weight items Boucek’s Battalion will be packaging and shipping overseas. Each grade level will have a particular item to donate. Collection boxes will be located outside each homeroom in the hallway. 

We will be collecting November 3 – November 11th. It is a small timeline but set up for packing starts on November 15th. All items will be packed and ready for shipping on November 21st

The following is a list of items should you like to participate: 

KDG: protein bars 

1st: packets of hot chocolate/coffee 

2nd: chap stick/gum 

3rd: Ramen Noodles 

4th: drink mixes – boxes of single servings packs; usually 10-12 per box 

5th: Slim Jim’s 


Once again, we thank you for your participation for this organization to make the holiday a little happier for those so far from home.