• Roles and Responsibilities

    The Board of School Directors is the policy-making body of the District, deriving its legal authority from the statutes of the State of Pennsylvania. It sets the exemplary standards that best serve the interests of the children and the residents of the District. Board members are elected by popular vote to two- or four-year terms. Service as a Director is voluntary. The Board selects the Superintendent as the District's Executive Officer and delegates the responsibility for implementing its policies and priorities to the Superintendent.

    The Board also has the annual responsibility of adopting a balanced District budget. Other important functions of the Board include regular and special educational planning and appraisal, staffing, the establishment and maintenance of facilities and properties, and the provision of transportation for students.


    The Board of School Directors usually meets on the third and fourth Wednesdays of each month in the Board Room at the Central Administrative Offices at 7:00 p.m. Occasionally that schedule varies due to conflicts with holidays or other important District events. All currently scheduled meetings are listed on this calendar.

    Public Information

    Copies of the agenda for School Board meetings are available at meetings for public distribution. The School Board link on the North Allegheny School District website, northallegheny.org, provides the Board Report Calendar, Board Agenda items by month, and a summary of Board activity after each meeting. A copy of the official minutes of any Board meeting can be obtained by contacting the School Board Secretary at 412-369-5419.

    Public Input

    The School Board encourages residents to attend meetings and welcomes comments and suggestions on any topic from its constituents.

    There are a number of ways to communicate with the Board. Written correspondence may be addressed to the Board of School Directors at the Central Administration Offices (CAO). Comments or questions may also be sent via e-mail to kcaldwell@northallegheny.org. In all cases, copies will be forwarded to all Directors.

    In addition, residents are invited to speak at public Board meetings during the designated time periods indicated on each agenda. Comments related to voting items are always heard prior to Board action. Individuals who sign up to speak in advance are allowed five minutes, but time is also allotted for those who do not register in advance in two-minute increments.

    For more information, contact the School Board Secretary.