On your assigned moderation day, YOU are to lead the class in discussion of the material you are assigned.
You can do this in a variety of methods: whole class discussion, power point presentation, small group activities, class simulation, etc. Choose a method that would be appropriate for the material, one that actively involves the class, and one that you would enjoy using.
For full credit, your moderation must include the following:
- All major themes of the lesson
- Evidence of mastery of lesson content
- The presence of interpretive, critical thought questions
- Student engagement
If you intend to use a power point presentation or any other computer-related visual aid, be sure that (1) your format is compatible with the school system and (2) you email the information to me as an attachment.
At least one day before your assigned moderation, please submit the “lesson plan” below to me.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Moderation “Lesson Plan”
My name: _________________________________________________________
Moderation date: __________________________________________________
Lesson and Unit # and topic: _________________________________________
The major theme(s) of the lesson is/are: ________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________During the lesson, students will: _______________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Visual aids (if any) I will use are: ______________________________________
Students will demonstrate what they have learned through my lesson by: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________