Unit V-1: 6 Characteristics of a MonopolyObjectives:1. TSW define the 6 characteristics of a monopoly.2. TSW take a pre-test to see what they know about monopolies.Homework:Read and Outline Chapter 15: Monopolies for Friday 12/19 (10 Points)Unit V-2: Monopoly Reffonomics ReviewObjectives:1. TSW using laptops review Chapter 10 in Reffonomics: MonopoliesHomework:1. Monopoly Practice Problems (10 Points)Unit V-3: 4 Origins of MonopoliesObjectives:1. TSW define the 4 Origins of Monopolies.2. TSW identify the similarities and differences between monopolies and perfectly competitive markets.Homework:NoneUnit V-4: Divorce of MR & DARPObjectives:1. TSW define why MR does not equal Price in a monopoly.2. TSW graph the curves of MR & DARP.3. TSW define the elastic and inelastic ranges of the demand curve in a monopoly.Homework:NoneUnit V-5: Finding Profit Maximizing QuantityObjectives:1. The students will use the profit maximizing rule (MR=MC) to find Qpm.Homework:Chapter 15 Outline Due (10 Points)Unit V-6: Quiz: Monopoly (20 Points)Objectives:1. TSW take the Quiz: Monopoly (20 Points)Homework:NoneUnit V-7: Monopoly Profits/Losses (Lip Dub)Objectives:1. TSW will graph monopolies earning profits/losses.2. TSW identify why monopolies have the prospect for profits in the long run.Homework:NoneUnit V-8: Monopolies vs. Perfect Competition (Check for Understanding)Objectives:1. TSW practice in their packets completing multiple choice problems on pages 24-26.Homework:NoneUnit V-9: Natural Monopolies + Barriers to EntryObjectives:1. TSW identify the 4 Barriers to Entry with regard to monopolies.2. TSW define natural monopolies and how the government encourages monopolies in certain aspects of the economy.Homework:NoneUnit V-10: Price Discrimination and EfficienciesObjectives:1. TSW define price discrimination with regard to monopolies.2. TSW explain examples of price discrimination.3. TSW identify consequences of price discrimination vs. a single price monopolist.Homework:NoneUnit V-11: Test: MonopolyObjectives:1. TSW take the Unit V Test: MonopolyHomework:1. None
Last Modified on January 7, 2015