• Core Principles of the Olweus Bully Prevention Program:
    1. Warmth, positive interest, and involvement are needed of the part of adults in the school.
    2. Set firm limits to unacceptable behavior.
    3. Consistently use nonphysical, nonhostile negative consequences when rules are broken.
    4. Adults in the school should function as authorities and positive role models.


    Implications of these principles:

    1.      The main responsibility for bully prevention and OBPP implementation rests with the adults in your school, not with students.

    2.      A clear, consistent message against bullying should be present throughout your school.

    3.      School staff must be focused on short-term and long-term goals.

    4.      Because OBPP is a research-based program, its procedures and guidelines should be followed as closely as possible.

    5.      OBPP is designed to become part of the everyday life of a school.

    6.      Changing the school climate/school culture requires student involvement as well. 

    7.      Students need to be taught what bullying is and how to get help.

    8.      Bullying prevention and intervention are different from peer mediation or conflict resolution. 

    9.      OBPP is not a classroom-management technique.