Kapitel 3 - Lektion 3AFamilie und Freunde
Familie - Family
Haustiere - Pets
Aussehen (Haare, Augen, usw.) - Appearance (Hair, Eyes, etc.)
Eigenschaften - Traits/Characteristics
Hobbys - Hobbys
Vorlieben und Abneigungen (gern, nicht gern) - Likes and Dislikes
Wiederholung: Unregelmässige Verben - Review: Irregular Verbs
Possessivadjektive - Possessive Adjectives
Adjektive Endungen (nominativ und akkusativ) - Adjective Endings (Nominative and Accusative)
Bundeskänzelrin: Angela Merkel - Federal Chancellor: Angela Merkel
die deutsche Familie - The German Family
Scheidung, Heirat, Kinder kriegen - Divorce, Marriage, Having Kids
Türken in Deutschland - Turks in Germany
Haustiere - Pets
Familienstammbaumbuch - Family Tree Book
dein Traumkind (mit deinem Lieblingsstar) - Your Dream Child
Unit 2 - 3A - 1 - Wortschatz
Flashcards/Games on Quizlet for studying possessive adjectives -
Unit 2 - 3A - 2 - Wortschatz
Flashcards/Games on Quizlet to study word related to family -
Unit 2 - 3A - 2 - YouTube Video - die Familie
The video introduces vocabulary describing parts of family life (common activities, arguments between siblings, professions, etc...) through monologues by several Germans who talk about their own personal experiences and memories with their families. -
Unit 2 - 3A - 2 - YouTube Video (Bildergeschichte) - die Ehe damals und heute
This particular video focuses on how roles within marriage have changed through the years in Germany. -
Unit 2 - 3A - 4 - Wortschatz
Flashcards/Games on Quizlet for studying vocabulary related to appearance
Unit 2 - 3A-1 - Wortschatz - Possessivadjektive Arbeitsblatt
A worksheet to practice using various forms of possessive adjectives in German and their meanings.Unit 2 - 3A-1 - Wortschatz - Possessive Adjektive Arbeitsbaltt.pdf 94.39 KB (Last Modified on January 26, 2015) -
Unit 2 - 3A-2 - Wortschatz - Familie
A crossword puzzle relating to the family vocabulary of Unit 2. -
Unit 2 - 3A-2 - Personal Questions and Family Vocabulary Worksheet
Unit 2 - Personal questions on Familie and Familie Vocablary.pdf 224.05 KB (Last Modified on February 2, 2015) -
Unit 2 - 3A-3 - Wortschatz - Farben
A fun puzzle to practice vocabulary relating to colors in German. -
Unit 2 - 3A-4 - Wortschatz - Aussehen
A crossword puzzle to help practice and recall common words to describe a person's appearance. -
German Mad Libs: Eine interessante Familie
A fun way to practice family vocabulary and German parts of speech in the form of a Mad Lib.