Kapitel 1 -Das Land am MeerFunctions:
- Reporting past events
- Asking how someone liked something
- Expressing enthusiasm or disappointment
- Resonding enthusiastically or sympathetically
- Asking and telling what you may or may not do
- Asking for information
- Inquiring about someone's health and responding
- Asking about and expressing pain
- Expressing hope
Grammar:- Dative prepositions
- Past Tense
- Forms of dieser and welcher
- Reflexive and object pronouns
Culture:- Insel Rügen
- Euro
1. Komm Mit 3: Chapter 1 Exercises (complete ALL)2. In, An Auf, Nach Exercises OR Battleship Game*
4. Vocabulary Exercise 2 (optional)
5. Vocabulary Exercise 3 (optional)
8. Review Game - Challenge Board
9. Multiple Choice Medley OR Rags to Riches Game*
10. Abney
Additional Exercises:
Dative or accusative?
Two-way prepositons 1
Two way prepositions 2
Two-way prepositions 3
Two-way prepositions 4
Wo oder wohin?
Two-way prepositions / Meanings
Two-way prepositions / Location 1
Two-way prepositions / Location 2
Two-way prepositions / Location 3
Two-way prepositions / Destination 1
Two-way prepositions / Destination 2 -
Last Modified on June 22, 2011