•  Komm Mit! Level 3
    Komm Mit! is the German textbook series used in the North Allegheny School District.  Komm Mit! builds a proven communicative approach on a solid foundation of grammar and vocabulary to turn students into proficient readers, writers, and speakers of German. 
    Each chapter revolves around a different communicative goal, and the grammar and vocabulary lessons give students the tools they need to achieve this goal.  Grammar and vocabulary are modeled in the communicative expressions. Concepts are explained with grammar and vocabulary presentations.  Also, concepts, learned in previous chapters, are continually recycled throughout the book.
    The Komm Mit! Level 3 book is used with Frau Duschek's German 3 course.  This book consists of 12 total chapters.  The chapter titles for Komm Mit 3 are written below.  Click on the links below to access an overview of each chapter along with helpful links relating to the concepts of each chapter.
    Kapitel 7: Ohne Reklame geht es nicht!
    Kapitel 8: Weg mit den Vorurteilen!
    Kapitle 9: Aktive für die Umwelt!
    Kapitel 10: Die Kunst zu leben
    Kapitel 11: Deine Welt ist deine Sache
    Kapitel 12: Die Zukunft liegt in deiner Hand!
Last Modified on March 23, 2010