


    Dear Franklin Elementary Parents and Guardians,


    My name is Mrs. Lisa Hoffmann and I am the chorus teacher at Franklin Elementary School. I am pleased to share information with you regarding the Franklin Elementary School Chorus. Students in 4th and 5th grade have the opportunity to join chorus at the start of each semester. This choral experience will be in addition to the general music instruction your child receives during the school day, and will in no way replace any of his or her regular music instruction. In chorus we will focus upon the art of choral singing, and provide opportunities for success earned through dedication, build performance skills and confidence,  work as a team-players, and foster creativity through artistic endeavors. Rehearsals will focus on the following each week:

    • Healthy vocal habits such as breathing, embouchure and posture

    • Challenging, diverse and cultural vocal repertoire

    • Singing as a unified ensemble

    • Performing in 2-3 part harmony

    • Becoming a cooperative team that listens and works together


    Chorus rehearsals are a scheduled class held at Franklin on Fridays during school.  Students will not be pulled from any academic classes to participate in this group, and the ensemble does not conflict with band or orchestra, so students may fully participate in both.


    Students who are interested in participating in chorus will need the following:

    • Enthusiasm for singing and learning more about choral ensembles

    • Commitment to attend rehearsals regularly

    • Self-discipline required for appropriate, respectful and cooperative participation in a large group rehearsal setting

    • Attendance at ALL performances scheduled throughout the year.


    Our Winter performance will be on Monday, December 10, 2018 at 7:00 pm.  Our Spring performance will be on Thursday, May 16, 2019 at 7:00 pm.  Reminders will be sent home before each concert outlining arrival times and dress code.


    I encourage you to review this information and discuss it with your child before completing the attached form.  If selecting to join chorus, please remember that your child is expected to participate in rehearsals each week, as well as all scheduled performances. Students are also expected to follow all classroom rules, and failure to do so may result in dismissal from the ensemble.


    I am looking forward to making music with the students who choose to participate in chorus and am confident they will have a positive and rewarding experience musically and personally!  I invite you to click on the link below to sign up or decline to join chorus online. All 4th and 5th grade students must complete the selection sheet, whether joining or declining chorus.  Selections must be made and submitted to Mrs. Hoffmann by September 14, 2018.  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.


    Best regards,


    Lisa C. Hoffmann

    K-5 General Music & Chorus

    Franklin Elementary School
