I hope you are having a wonderful summer with your family! You are probably having fun riding your bike, swimming, or playing games. I had fun too! My family did a lot of swimming and traveling together. It was a terrific summer!
Now I have been back at school getting our classroom ready. I thought I would write you a letter to tell you how excited I am for the first day of school. I can’t wait to see you! We are going to have so much fun this year in 4th grade. We will be sharing many books, stories, and poems. We will have fun writing, too! We will be playing some excellent math games! Get ready to learn new things in science and social studies. Using our iPads will be awesome too! You will see some of your old friends in our class, but you will make new friends also.
Everyone has access to our supply list on the Ingomar website. If you have your supplies, you may bring them in a little at a time the first week of school or all at once, whichever is easier for you.
If you or your family would like to write me a letter or send me an email, I would love to learn about anything that you’d like me to know about you. You can mail it to me at Ingomar Elementary, or bring it with you the first week of school. You can also have your parent/guardian send it to my email at ascott@northallegheny.org.
When you come to school on the first day, I will be right outside the room to meet you and show you where to go. We are going to have a great year! We will be meeting new people, making new friends, and helping each other. I am looking forward to seeing you! I hope you enjoy these last days of vacation!
I will see you soon. Bring your smile!
Your teacher,
Mrs. Scott