• To initiate discussion:
      • What's going on in this painting?
      • What clues does the painting give to you (character, setting, time of day, season, conflict, etc.)?

    • To perpetuate the discussion:
      • What else can you find?
      • What more do you see?
      • Who can add to that?
      • Who sees something else?
      • Does anyone see something different?

    • Explore the PEOPLE in the artwork:
      • What do you think the people in the painting saying?
      • How do you think they feel?
      • What makes you say that?

    • Explore the SCENE in the artwork:
      • If you could hop into the painting, what would you do there?
      • How long would you stay? Why?
      • What would your five senses tell you if you were in the middle of the scene? (Would you feel the sun shining on your face? Would you feel a breeze? How does the artist let you “feel” these things? Is it noisy or quiet? Which one of the senses does the work best fit? Why?)

    • Explore the STUDENTS' INTERPRETATIONS/FEELINGS about the artwork:
      • What would you title this painting?
      • Why do you think the artist entitled this painting _______________?
      • How does this painting make you feel? Why do you say this?
      • How is the image in the painting similar to/different from your own lives?
      • Would you like this painting hanging in your room? Why or why not?