• books
    Name: Ms. Alicia Anton Wiesemann
    Grade(s): 5th
    Room Number(s): 5C
    Subject(s): ELA (English Language Arts), Math, and Science
    Building Phone: 412-635-4105
    Monday 6/1
    Please see ELA tab on left for all students - end of the year project.  This project will take the place of SS. 
    Please remember to finish your chapter book before June 10 - for pleasure reading.  If you can, please return science books and chapter books per the directions given through McKnight on June 10th.
    Also, we will have our last Google Meet on Thursday 6/4 at 10:45AM.
    Thursday 5/28
    . Some students must have received the wrong packet for Tuck Everlasting. If we were in school, we would have caught this right away. BUT.....
    Only students with Tuck book may turn assignment in by Sunday at 4PM.  The pages that MUST be done are loaded onto google classroom ELA - Tuck Everlasting. My assignment on website match this CORRECT packet pages.
    Wednesday 5/27
    Since we are having a short week this week there will be no SS. 
    I had some tech issues that made it difficult to do Google Meets last week, but I will be having them this week.  Students may use the link that is on Google Classroom 5C homeroom to join - like last time.  They will not be able to use link until I am "present" in room.
    Even if they have updated Google Classroom in the past, they should do again through self service before this Google Meet session.  Also, please make sure they have closed out open tabs.  It also helps performance if they turn off their IPad  - wait a bit - then restart.
    The students do not need to sign up for a specific time, but I am askign them to join just ONE of the Google Meet Group sessions.  They can join on Wednesday 5/27 at 1PM, or they can join on Friday 5/29 at 9:45AM.  Again, they do not need to sign up or email which one they are coming to - just join in ONE.
    Monday 5/18
    Remember Tuesday is a PAWS ( pause) day.  There will be 3 days of ELA  and Social Studies this week, but only 1 day of math.  Please see links to the left on my website.
    I will send a message through Remind when the schedule is up for the Google Meets Groups.  I expect it will be up by noon on Monday.  If I do not get to personally talk to you, please enjoy your family and Memorial Day weekend.
    To keep in mind for next week, there is no school Monday ( Memorial Day) and PAWS day Tuesday.  We will only have "school" Wednesday through Friday of next week.
    Monday 5/11
    Tuesday is a PAUSE day so no work will be assigned for that day.  Please see district communications.  
    The sign up for group Google Meets will be posted by noon tomorrow.  3 sessions willbe offered.  5C homeroom students can pick any ONE of those three to attend.  These are not mandatory at all.  Sign ups will be found on Google Classroom 5C homeroom info.
    There is no SS or science this week due to the new PAW schedule.  When you view the ELA work for this week, please see that SOME of it is not due until NEXT Friday 5/22.
    Monday 5/4
    There will be no Social Studies or science this week as there is too many other things to celebrate such as Mother's Day, Cinco De Mayo, and May the 4th....
    Please see the message from Sunday 5/3 about Google Meet and make sure your child views the video and rules on Google Classroom - homeroom.
    Sunday 5/3 - Google Meet Video for Students
    All students should watch this video through google classroom - 5c homeroom info - google meet info .  Please make sure you hit submit after watching video.  There will also be a section of google meet rules.  Please make sure the students view these rules and hit submit also.
    Please make sure for this weeks 1-1:
    1. Your child opens the link for the meeting in a quiet spot.
    2. Students shouldtry to stay stationary.
    3. Students should dress and act like you they at school. 
    4. Students - please think about something you have been doing to keep busy during this stay at home time.
    5. Students - please have something with you ready to show me during the meeting.  This can be a pet, a prize possesion, or anything really you would like to show me - think show and tell :).
    update 1-1 Google Meet with you and your child:
    Please use the link below to sign up for 1-1 Google Meet with you and your child for us just to touch base.  This is completely optional and not academic in nature.  STUDENTS - Please do not sign up for a time without talking to your parents to make sure you can find a time that works for everyone.  Please sign up by Friday 5/1.  Any questions, let me know.
    * I am having trouble getting link to go LIVE on my website...please copy and paste it in browser to get to the sign up OR use the live link that was sent to all 5C families through the Remind notifications.
    Update Monday 4/27
    1. Our Math Interventionist Mrs. Lesinski and Mrs. Harvey are offering virtual math help.  Please use this link to sign up https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ca5U59Ks2qnVPMTHP6Ar_PQdm5mc9xij65cO2RvXE6M/edit
    2. Please have your child fill out the 5th grade recognition form found on 5C homeroom Google Classrom.  This is due by 4/30/2020
    3. If your child has not gone to self-service on their Ipad and reinstalled Google Classroom so the Google Meet function can work, they must do it ASAP
    4. I will be setting up personal Google Meet sessions for each family/student in 5C.  These will not be academic in nature, but more of a time to touch base and just check in.  They will be completely optional too.  I will send a Remind Message out when the Google Form is available for you to sign up for a time and day that works for your family,  
    5. As I have each week, I will contact you personally to have the work made up. BUT, as of this past Friday if they have not completed work ( and you or they have not contacted me and asked for an extension) - they will be recieving 0 points on Tyler for the assignment.  As we have moved into PASS or FAIL for the 4th nine weeks, it is incredibly important for your child to complete all work with effort.  I understand that "remote learning" is not school as we know it...I am looking for your child to attempt the work with effort.  There does not have to be perfection.  I am only an email away.  Please reach out.
    Update Thursday 4/23
    Please make sure you have had your child update Google Classroom through Self - Service. It will say "reinstall".  This will allow us to use the live Google Meet in the future.
    Also, in the 5C Homeroom Google Classroom - please use the link to have your child fill out the form so we can acknowledge all 5th graders on the announcements.  This is due by 4/30/2020.
    This information was sent also through REMIND.  If you are not getting the REMIND alerts, please email me so I can send information on how to join them.
    Update Monday 4/20
    All work will be due Friday by 4PM.  Work is listed on the left hand side of my website by date.  Any questions, please reach out.  
    If your child owes work, I will be contacting you personally.
    As I am still working on being competent with "live" lessons - they will not start this week.  My intent is that these live lessons will not really be academic in nature so they can be optional to fit your family's schedule.  Rather we will be focusing on the social and emotional piece that this quarentine has brought as a challenge to all of us.
    If you are looking for enrichment activities for your child during this time...I highly suggest they log onto Study Island...go up a grade or down a grade and pick a skill.  They can view the lesson, take a quiz, or even play a game.  This can be accessed by using menu on left hand side.  Go to common core programs and many of the PA programs we have or will be doing.
    Update Monday 4/13
    All work will be due Friday by 4PM. Work is listed by date on the left hand side on my website. It is seprated by subject area. As always, any questions, please reach out.
    If your child owes any work, I will contact you personally.
    Also, we will be starting LIVE lessons next week.  More information will be posted about that this week.  These live lessons will be optional so that you or your child will not feel obligated to participate if it does not work with your schedule at home.  These are trying times for all of us so I do not want to put any more pressure on families than need be.  Because of the impact of stress on the children ( and families), these LIVE lessons will be mostly  socially and emotional based lessons.
    Link for special area assignments:
    Update Monday 4/6
    Reminder - we only have work for Monday and Tuesday this week.  It is listed by date on the left hand side on my website.  As always, any questions, please reach out.  Work will be due this week by Wednesday at 4PM.  If you would need more time, please email.  Also, there is NO science or SS assigned this week ONLY math and ELA.
    I am missing our normal routine as I am sure you all are, but having time with my family to walk, play games, and do "family" things has been filling my heart.  
    I hope each and every one of you are staying safe and remembering to wash your hands :).  I know your adults at home are taking good care of you .  That is what adults do.
    Free Tutoring - Math
    I just noticed that on Mcknight's main web page that high school students are offering virtual 1-1 tutoring in math and science for grades 4-8.  Please follow the link to sign up if you are itnerested.  The link can be found by clicking on the main page - Elementary Remote Learning Guidlines.  Scroll down to the last paragraph.
     Update Monday 3/30
    Hello!  I miss you all terribly.  Stay safe and at home - that is your #1 job!
    As I continue to say, my goal is to enirch and reinforce the skills the students already have in their repitoire.  My assignmnets will always be loaded on the tab to the left - listed by date and subject area.
    I am trying to give parents ( and students) the flexibility to complete the required work on their schedule.  Any work listed, will always be due Friday by 4PM.  It is only neccssary to send pictures or other things if that is listed on the directions of the assignments as I can see MUCH of the student's progress remotely.  Please make sure they are hitting submit or done in google classroom when they view a video though.
    The work that was assigned for this week was started last Wednesday after the FID menus.
    I am available by email all day so please reach out if you have any questions.
    This is a trying time for everyone especially our kiddos.  Please go the Mrs. Biro's website for resources to help you and your children through this time.  I know my own daughter has had some ups and downs through this as well as I.  Next week, some of the kids assignments will be focused on stress reduction and perseverance through this tough time.
    Update Wednesday 3/25
    1. Please make sure your child is "checking in" to school using the link through Tiger ID each and every day.  Attendance starts to count today (3/25.)
    2. I will be able to remotely access and check all student progress through google classroom, Study Island, Quizizz, etc....at this time the district directive is for material to be pertinent but ungraded.  This may change, but for now I am looking for effort not perfection.  The students do NOT have to email work unless it is specified.  Most data collection will come through my remote monitoring.
    3. I will post all work for the week on the tabs to the left marked with the weeks dates.  Remember, you must go to your math teacher's website not mine for their work.  Whatever teacher teaches you that subject, you must go to their assignments.
    4. Work will be given at the beginning of the week, but it is not due until the end of the week (Friday at 4PM).  The district guidline is even calendar days - ELA and SS and odd calendar days Math and Science.  If your child wants to complete the weeks work in a day, that is fine.  It just must be completed by Friday at 4PM.  
    5.  Due to this being a short week, I have assigned this weeks and next weeks work.
    6. Most importanly, we are in this together.  It will be strange and there will be bumps, but we can do it.  I know that I have worked all year to teach 5C to be independent learners and to love learning on their own not just because I told them to do it.  I 100% feel the students in 5C are in the best position possible for remote learning to work.
    Remote Learning Update:
    Please use the links on the left for daily announcements and assignments.  For Monday 3/23 and Tuesday 3/24, students are only required to use the FID ( flexible instruction day) menu. 
    Please make sure you have signed up for my Remind Ap updates and communication.  If you have not, please email me so that I can send directions. 
    This is a learning process for all of us, my goal is to educate your child the best I can without being in front of them.  It will be different for sure, but I am sure it will be successful.  Please be patient with me as I will be with you and the kids as we adjust to this new process.
    I will be posting assignments for the rest of the week by noon Monday 3/23.  I will do my very best to balance the work load to educate without overwheleming you or your students at home.  The district has designed a  schedule alternating between ELA, Math, and content each day.  
    For the remaining weeks, I will list all work and requirements by Monday at 8AM.  This work will need completed by Friday at 3:30PM
    I have sent directions through the Remind Ap.  You can also have yoru child "sign-in" each day through a link in Tiger ID.  It is very important that your child does this each day.  I am still trying to get a clarification of what time this needs done by - but check back later and I will post.  Any issue, use tab at left to get in touch with NA help desk.
    Work for Wednesday3/25 - Friday 3/27
    Please check tab to left later today.  I am getting some clarification on technology access at home for lessons.  Thank you for understanding.
    General Information:
    I have been teaching over 25  wonderful years.  I am lucky enough to do what I love.  Not only am I a teacher in this district, but I live in the school district too.  I believe in the education here at North Allegheny not only as a professional, but as a parent too! I have two children who have graduated from NA and one currently at NASH.
    B.S. Elementary Education from Duquesne University
    B.S.  Special Education from Duquesne University
    Graduate Work in Administration and Reading at Duquesne University
Last Modified on May 31, 2020