    Elementary Science at North Allegheny
    Elementary Curriculum Overview
     The 2010 science department curriculum review identified some changes that will be phased in to the NASD elementary science program through the 2014-15 school year.  The goals for all elementary students are not just to teach science content, but to develop scientific literacy that will stay with them throughout their education at NA and beyond.  In particular, elementary students will be given the opportunity to be exposed to the following skill sets:
    A)  An emphasis on developing science process skills
    B)  Activities that emphasize inquiry-based learning
    C)  Developing skills of prediction and application
    D)  Cultivating learning through the students' own natural curiosity 
    E)  Learning discipline-specific content as outlined below, by grade level
    Grade Level Focus 
    The senses
    First Grade
    The seasons
    Second Grade
    Living things
    Energy and motion
    Third Grade
    Life cycles
    Sun, moon, earth system
    Energy and force
    Pest control
    Fourth Grade
    Magnetism and electricity
    Classification of living things
    Fifth Grade
    Populations and ecosystems
    Earth science
    Sound and light