• Honor Someone Special
  • Honor Someone Special  

    Your gift can do more than support the students of North Allegheny.  It can also serve to honor a teacher, staff member or loved one.

    A donation of $50 Honors Someone Special with their name added on the Someone Special plaque located at the North Allegheny Central Administration building.  They will also receive a personalized certificate commemorating your gift. 

    A tree can be added to your favorite school campus in their honor with a gift of $700. A donation of $2,000 makes possible a bench with an engraved name plate honoring someone at the school of your choice.


    The official registration and financial information of The North Allegheny Foundation may be obtained  
    from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania,
    1 (800) 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.