• Hello McKnight musicians!  I miss seeing all of your faces in my music classroom, but I am excited to have music class at home with you this week! 


    We have successfully transitioned to Google Classroom for Grades 1-5! This platform makes it easier to upload, share, and view material for all! I have invited all in these grades to join my Music Google Classroom, so please accept my invitation if you have not done so already. I have included the class codes below if needed. I will only post lessons on Google Classroom for Grades 1-5. Kindergarten lessons will always remain here on my website. Please let me know if you have any questions!


    Kindergarten June 1 - 5

    Kindergarten May 26 - 29

    Kindergarten May 18 - 22

    Kindergarten May 11 - 15 

    Kindergarten May 4 - May 8

    Kindergarten April 27 - May 1


    First Grade:  Log into Google Classroom to complete your music class activities for this week.  Class code:  fgtus7m


    Second Grade:  Log into Google Classroom to complete your music class activities for this week.  Class code:  mzqppa5


    Third Grade:  Log into Google Classroom to complete your music class activities for this week.  Class code:  j57qdvw


    Fourth Grade:  Log into Google Classroom to complete your music class activities for this week.  Class code:  2eyj33p


    Fifth Grade:  Log into Google Classroom to complete your music class activities for this week.  Class code:  g5xzll5