Remote Learning Assignments

  • 4th Grade Math and 4th/5th Grade ELA and Kindergarten Weekly Assignments - click on your weekly assignments above .

    Go to GOOGLE CLASSROOM for lesson details.


    Students remember to:

     1. Login to TigerID and click the Remote Learning Check-In link by 1:30 p.m.

    2. Go to Google Classroom for all assignments     google

    3. If you have any questions, please email Mrs E. -


    School Day Schedule

      • Even Calendar Day - ELA and Social Studies will be assigned
      • Odd Calendar Day - Math and Science will be assigned
      • Special Area (Art, Library, Music, PE,) activities/lessons will be posted on Monday and students will have the entire week to complete all four assignments by Friday at 3:30 p.m.

    Click HERE for Guidelines for Remote Learning.