
    MTSS in a Minute (or two…)


    • What does MTSS stand for?
      • Multi-Tiered System of Supports



    • So what is MTSS?
      • Data- driven instruction
      • Regular assessments
      • Evidence-based instruction and student placement
      • Multi-tiers support for increasingly aggressive interventions
      • Simply…a way to help kids succeed.



    • What are the multiple tiers?
      • Tiers are differentiated by the “intensity” of the services provided:

    MTSS Tiers



    Tier 1  is core instruction using effective large and small group instruction. 

    Tier 2 is instruction on skills that pose a barrier to the acceleration of student learning.  This instruction is generally with a small group or a larger group of students all showing the same academic need identified through data collection. 

    Tier 3 is focused on the skill that poses the greatest barrier.  This instruction is done 1-1 with a student or in a very small group.  It is a systematic, prescribed, and a researched- based program to work on a specific skill. 


Last Modified on March 23, 2020