       girl studying3C Homework Policies and Procedures    

    don't forget Please check your child’s assignment book daily for assignments and class announcements.

     Homework Folders:  Each child should have a two-pocket folder to transport his/her graded papers, homework, and notes to and from school.  One pocket should be  labeled “Stay at Home” and the other pocket should be labeled “Return to School.”  This folder should travel with your child to every class and should go home each day in his/her binder.  Reviewing your child’s papers and cleaning out the “Stay at Home” section of the folder with your child each day will help him/her establish a routine at the beginning of the year and will help with organizational skills.

    Homework Survival Kits:  It would be extremely helpful if you created a "Homework Survival Kit."  This kit is simply a box that stores the needed supplies for completing assignments at home.  It should include things like pencils, erasers, lined paper, scissors, a glue stick, a ruler, crayons, and tape. Having these supplies in one place eliminates having to search for them when you need one of them to complete an assignment.

    Unit tests:  Students will be notified approximately one week in advance for all unit tests.  (Science  and Social Studies).  After the tests are graded and reviewed with the students, they should be signed by a parent or guardian and returned to the subject teacher within two days

    You can access your child's grades online using the Tyler system. Please click on the following link for directions.   https://www.northallegheny.org//site/Default.aspx?PageID=12030


Last Modified on September 17, 2018