
    Happy Tiger
    Homework Information
    Happy Tiger
    Assignments listed below are subject to change depending on class progress.  Your child's assignment book provides the most up-to-date information on assignments.  Please click on the week to view assignments.
    Math homework is for my math class only. 
    Please see Ms. Kauffman's website for Social Studies homework during the 2nd and 4th grading period.
    Homework for the Week of:
    Homework Policies and Procedures:

    Homework Folders:  Each child should have a two-pocket folder to transport his/her graded papers, homework, and notes to and from school.  One pocket should be clearly labeled “Stay at Home” while the other pocket should be labeled “Return to School.”  This folder should travel with your child to math, social studies, and home each day in his/her binder.  Reviewing your child’s papers and cleaning out the “Stay at Home” portion of the folder with your child each day will help him/her establish a routine at the beginning of the year.

    Missing Homework:  Missing homework slips, often referred to as “blue slips” will be sent home for incomplete or lost homework.  These slips must be signed by the child and the parent and returned to school the next day with the completed assignment.  I understand that assignments may occasionally be lost or forgotten at home.  This slip is used as a communication tool from me to you and is not a punishment.

     Signing Tests:  Students will be notified approximately one week in advance for Science and Social Studies tests. Please review the information on the study guide each night to help your child retain the information. Math and reading concepts are taught in small chunks, so students will complete an assessment every 6-10 school days. After the tests are graded and reviewed with the students, they should be signed by a parent and returned to the subject teacher within two days to verify that the parent has seen the score.

    Homework Routines & Supply Box:  Evenings can pass very quickly as children become involved in numerous extracurricular activities after school.  Creating a “homework supply box” filled with pencils, sharpeners, paper, erasers, crayons, scissors, a ruler, a dictionary, glue etc. and establishing a homework routine may eliminate some homework struggles.  Providing a quiet area for students to complete homework at a scheduled time each night can be very beneficial.  (Some students prefer to begin homework as soon as they get home, while others need time to relax and release bottled up energy. Students should begin with the most challenging assignments first while they are still fresh.)  Some homework assignments will be given days or weeks in advance.  Please check your child’s assignment book regularly and assist him/her to complete these assignments in small chunks instead of waiting until the last minute.

    On-line Textbooks:  Click here o access your child's on-line textbooks.

Last Modified on March 9, 2020