• Boating & Water Safety

    TIME:  2016-2017


    EMAIL: hwinters@northallegheny.org

    Phone:  724-934-7251                              OFFICE:  C160 GYM


    Cold, Wet, and Alive Video Link

    Must proceed to the Thumbnail labeled Cold, Wet, and Alive be sure the video begins at 52:34 (elapsed time) it is approximately 20 minutes 
    BWSA Water Safety Skills (Required Reading for Class.)
    Pennsylvania Boating Handbook: http://fishandboat.com/bookboat.htm   



    ·         One-piece swim suit
    ·         Towel/Flip Flops

    ·         Swim Cap/Goggles (optional)



    1.      Each student is responsible for their personal and social behavior.

    ·     Identify inherent risks in and around various water situations.

    ·     Become familiar with equipment associated with boating and water safety.

    ·     Identify the emergency action plan for the pool, or any water situation.

    ·     Encourage boaters, and advise as to alternative rescue methods.

    ·     Identify skills necessary for self rescue in various situations.

    ·     Demonstrate the proper rescue sequence.

    2. Effective interpersonal skills (e.g., passive, assertive, aggressive behavior) are an important part of Adventure Education.

    ·     Incorporate the concept of redundancy in each and every water activity.

    ·     Use common terms with each boating partner.

    ·     Use effective communication skills while in water situations.

    ·     Advise other boaters of various ways to accomplish the same problem.

    ·     Incorporate a variety of rescue techniques in each water safety experience.

     3. Decision making, risk taking, problem solving and goal setting skills develop through Adventure education.

    ·     Understand and demonstrate the appropriate rescue method for a given situation.

    ·     Develop trust with a boating partner.

    ·     Understand the skill and risk involved in various water situations.

    ·     Use visualization before each paddling experience.

    ·     Recognize appropriate PFD use.

    ·     Participate in BWSA certification program.

    Overall...The Student Should Be Able To:

    ·         Practice, demonstrate, and understand proper technique that will improve basic swimming skills.

    ·         Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of boating safety principles and rescue techniques.

    ·         Understand and demonstrate knowledge of canoeing, canoe rescue, hypothermia, personal floatation devices, and survival floating.

    ·         Demonstrate knowledge of the PA Fish and Boat Commission Exam, to become licensed to operate a boat 25hp or greater and/or a Personal Water Craft, by scoring a 70% or better.




    ·         The students are required to positively and actively participate in all class activities, unless they are limited by a medical condition, in which a note by a physician is required.

    ·         Swimming is a requirement for 11th and 12th grade Physical Education.  Students who FAIL the swimming unit WILL NOT receive credit for Physical Education.

    ·         All permanent medical restrictions require a note from a physician.  Students who cannot actively participate in the water will…be responsible for all written tests and assignments and will change into exercise clothes and athletic shoes and participate on the pool deck in alternate PE activities.

    ·         Students temporarily unable to swim (with or without written notification) are expected to change into exercise clothes and shoes, and participate on the pool deck in alternative physical activities. 

    ·         Students are allowed one excused absence (unless an assessment and or activity are required.)  After one excused absence additional activities outside of class are required to receive participation points for that day.  It must be made up within two weeks after the absence.



    ·         Participation………………………………………………..…100 points, approximately 5 points/day

    ·         BWSA Skill Assessments…………………………………… 30 points, 10 skills- 3 points each

    ·         Written Assignments/Tests……………………………….…   70 points, study guide and test

    ·         Assessments points are at the discretion of the teacher and may change throughout the unit.



    1)      We will start by introducing basic water safety and assessing five swim strokes:

    v     Entries- front dive, stride jump, feet first with 3 lengths under water

    v     Basic Skills- deep water bobbing, treading, floating

    v     Kicks- flutter, scissors, whip

    v     Strokes- front crawl, back crawl, elementary back-stroke, side-stroke, breast-stroke

    v     Turns- front, back, flip

    2)      Students will become familiar with the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission Handbook:

      v     Chapter 1- Introduction
      v     Chapter 2- Legal Requirements

    v     Chapter 3- Other Water Activities

    v     Chapter 4- PA Operation Requirements        

    v     Chapter 5- Boat Operation

    v     Chapter 6- Safety and Rescue

    v     Chapter 7- Regulatory Information

    3)      Students will be assessed on the following BWSA (Boating and Water Safety Awareness) skills:

    v     Properly chooses and adjust PFD

    v     Swims with PFD using survival strokes

    v     Explains HELP position

    v     Demonstrates HELP position

    v     Explains Huddle position

    v     Demonstrates Huddle position

    v     Clothes Swim & Clothes Inflation

    v     Explains Rescue Sequence

    v     Demonstrates reaching rescue

    v     Demonstrates throwing rescue

    v     Throw bag accuracy/reach victim-35 ft.

    v     Re-packs throw bag

    v     Identify 4 parts of a canoe

    v     Identify 2 parts of a paddle

    v     Boards canoe safely

    v     Changes places with partner

    v     Controlled swamping

    v     Hand paddles swamped canoe

    v     Canoe over canoe rescue

    v     Re-enters canoe

    Websites:  www.fish.state.pa.usPA; Fatality Facts from local and recent resources; www.redcross.org


Last Modified on July 29, 2016