• Golf Unit

    The Student Should Be Able To (TSSBAT):

    ·         Understand and appreciate the lifetime fitness and health benefits of golf.
    ·         Practice, demonstrate and understand the skills necessary to execute a proper grip, full swing, chip shot and putt.
    ·         Self assess their level of fitness as it relates to the healthy fitness zone and establish three fitness goals to achieve by the end of the unit.

    ·         Enhance muscular fitness, cardio-respiratory endurance, flexibility, balance and coordination by performing various activities throughtout the unit.

    ·         Create and implement a personal fitness plan incorporating the health related fitness components and principles of training.

    ·         Record daily physical activity in their personal exercise log.

    ·         Enjoy golf by playing in various games throughout the unit.
    ·         Demonstrate knowledge of the concepts of golf on a written test.

    ·         The students are required to positively and actively participate in all class activities, unless they are limited by a medical condition, in which a note by a physician is required.

    ·         Students are allowed one excused absence.  After one excused absence, additional activities outside of class are required to receive participation points for that day.  It must be made up within TWO WEEKS after the absence. 

    ·         Wear comfortable physical education clothing and athletic shoes to every class appropriate for indoor/outdoor activity.

    ·         Participation – 50%                                                                                                                
          Ø      Be on time for class.
          Ø      Wear appropriate physical education attire including athletic shoes.
          Ø      Actively participate throughout the entire class period.
          Ø      Follow instructions and safety guidelines.
          Ø      Show/demonstrate consistent effort to improve knowledge and skill.


    ·         Assessments – 35%                                                                                          

    Ø      Fitness Assessments

    Ø      Self, partner and instructor progress/skill assessments

    Ø      Cognitive written quizzes/tests


    ·         Written Assignments – 15%                                                                             

    Ø      Homework

    Ø      Class work

    Ø      Journal Entries


    *Assessment points are at the discretion of the teacher and may change throughout the unit.


    *Late assignments will result in a deduction of 25% for each day it is late.

Last Modified on August 26, 2014