2C's Daily Schedule 2019-2020
8:50-9:10 Arrival/morning work
9:10-11:30 ELA: word building, spelling, writing journals, story, skills, vocab for the week, handwriting, grammar
10:30 Snack break
11:30-12:00 Social Studies
12:05-12:35 Recess
12:35-1:05 Lunch
1:05-2:15 Math
2:15-3:15 Integrated Arts (Block)
3:15-3:25 Pack up and Dismissal
8:50-9:10 Arrival/morning work
9:10-9:40 ELA: spelling
9:45-10:30 Special
10:30 Snack break
10:30-11:15 ELA: word building, spelling, writing journals, story, skills, vocab for the week, handwriting, grammar
11:15-12:00 WIN
12:00-12:30 ELA
12:35-1:05 Recess
1:05-1:35 Lunch
1:40-2:45 Math
2:45-3:15 Science (Tues, Wed) Social Studies (Thurs)
3:15-3:25 Pack up and Dismissal
Last Modified on July 12, 2020